I have been into capturing real moments since I was 13 years old. My first camera was a Canon 35 mm. I started developing my own photos at the age of 15. I furthered my photography to the point I have been published in the Smithsonian, The National Geographic, World Photography Organization, Birds and Bloom, Texas Highways, Texas Monthly, Corporate photography. I have had the wonderful experience of being on 4 Safari’s, known for my photography of Botanical Gardens through out Texas. Captured numerous moments at Motorcycle Rallies and events. Have been and still am a Freelance photographer. I have been blessed to be able to do all the photography that I have done.
Reflection’s can create
Maternity or pregnancy images,
Children’s portraits,
Newborns, and Kids of all ages.
Senior portrait’s,
Bridal portrait’s,
Bridal Boudoir photo’s,
Engagement photo’s,
Sweet Sixteen photo’s,
Boudoir photo’s,
Black & White photo’s, Baptism,
First Communion,
Baby Shower,
Family Reunion’s,
Large Group’s,
Head shot’s,
Basic Modeling Portfolio
Corporation to Small Businesses
Destination Location parties and Weddings.
. Lots more.
Creative fun portraits in the comfort of your Home, Local Park, or a location of your choice.
Creative fun portraits in the comfort of your Home, Local Park, or a location of your choice. Please see our Special Promotion Package’s.
©Copyright 2003-2012 all photos on this site are the creation and property of Michelle Howell-Murphy photographer. Reflections Photography. The photographer retains the rights to use all photo’s taken during photo session’s for website display or other advertising purpose’s unless a request is made that specific photo’s are not to be displayed.